How Do WordPress Themes Work? Unveiling the Magic Behind Your Website’s Look

How Do WordPress Themes Work? Unveiling the Magic Behind Your Website's Look

Have you ever asked yourself, ‘What’s making those neat websites on the internet work?’ It’s all because of themes in WordPress. We at WP Hackz Design are showing how these tools bring life to your website.

The Mechanics of WordPress Themes

In simple terms, a WordPress theme is made up of PHP and HTML files. These aren’t just any papers; they are the plan for how your website looks and works. Here’s a breakdown of how they work:

  • PHP Files: Think of PHP files as the people who control your WordPress site. They get information from your WordPress database – everything from the name of your site to the newest blog post.
  • HTML and CSS: These files are where the show takes place. HTML organizes your website, while CSS makes it look nice and colorful.

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