10 Web Design Secrets That Separate Great Websites From The Average

10 Web Design Secrets That Separate Great Websites From The Average

As well as designing and creating business websites, web designers also have a very keen eye for assessing and evaluating existing websites and identifying whether a website is poor, average, great, or awesome. The poor or average websites will likely be basic, DIY websites, with few essential web design features that are likely in need of a website redesign.

Moving up the ladder we then have great, and awesome websites, which will probably have been built by professional web designers and include most, if not all, of the web design elements necessary to qualify a website as being better than most. As for what those web design elements are, most are known to the top web designers who might wish to keep them secret. However, we are going to reveal ten of those closely guarded web design secrets below.

Navigation And Site Structure Should Be Self-Explanatory: If visitors have to work out how to use and navigate a website it means they are not focussing on the content, offers, or calls to action. Make using the website so easy, that it barely requires any thought.

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