How Do I Reduce My Visitor Bounce Rate?

Bounce Rate

So, you have started your own WordPress website or blog, and you have finally started to get a few people to your site. However, there is one thing which worries you more than anything – your visitor bounce rate is huge!

Does this sound familiar? If so, then you need to take steps to lower it. Every single person who ‘bounces’ from your website or landing page is a potential customer, client, or reader lost. This means loss in revenue, less people reading or watching your content, and basically, a less successful website.

Luckily for you, there are a lot of things that you can do to improve your bounce rate – to lower it – and most of these are simple and free. Some of the best places to start include:

Improving your content:

If a visitor arrives at your website and sees a whole chunk of boring, poorly written text without visual content, then they are going to leave – it’s as simple as that! If you really want to reduce your bounce rate, you need to improve your content.

  • Use big, bold headlines to draw people in. Use catchy words, and don’t be afraid to put big headers throughout your content.
  • Use visuals! People don’t have the time to sit down and read long, wordy articles any more. If you want to increase visitor engagement, use pictures, videos, and infographics as much as you can.
  • Only use a couple of sentences per paragraph. Any more, and people will find it hard to concentrate, and will probably leave your site to find something more friendly.

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