5 Features Your WordPress Theme Must Have

WordPress Theme

If you are looking for a WordPress theme for your website, as there are so many to choose from, it can be a daunting task. You must consider whether to go with a free one or a paid one for a start then after that, there are countless options. Regardless of the options available, there are several features that the theme you choose must have if you want your website to be successful. Here we have highlighted 5 of the most important and why your theme must have them.

#1 Mobile Friendly: We live in an age where there can be as many people online using their mobile devices to view your website than there are sitting at home on their PC or laptop. For this reason, your theme must be responsive in the sense that it adjusts its layout depending on the device or screen size it is being viewed on. If you already have a site, you can check if it is mobile friendly by visiting Google’s mobile friendly test page. Otherwise ensure you check prior to buying a new theme that it is mobile friendly.

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