How A Blog Can Benefit Your Family Lawyers Business

How A Blog Can Benefit Your Family Lawyers Business

There are many business owners, including those who own a family lawyers business,  who are under the false impression that all online marketing is way more complicated an activity than they would ever be happy getting involved with.  The fact is that whilst there are certainly some online marketing channels that might fit that description, not all online marketing does.

There are a number of online marketing channels and activities that are extremely simple but nonetheless highly effective. One of these is having high-quality content on your website, and the primary way that can be facilitated is to create a blog. A blog is the usual name for what was once called a ‘Web Log’ , and it is simply a series of pages and posts on your website where you publish content.

That content is often a blog post which is simply an article, although there are many other types of content you can publish on your blog. You can use graphics such as photos and infographics, embed videos, or simply post a link to a video, and as for the text posts you write, that can be a multitude of different items.

These include:

  • Advice
  • Opinions
  • How To Guides
  • Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
  • Case Studies
  • Interviews
  • Personal Stories
  • Service Reviews
  • Business Updates
  • Guest Posts
  • Humorous Stories…And So On.

That list barely scratches the surface of the potential blog posts ideas there will be. Now, you might be thinking that everything so far sounds great, but what would be the reason for creating a blog, and more importantly, how would it benefit your family lawyers business. A good point so here are three ways creating and maintaining a blog will benefit your business.

It Confirms And Endorses Your Brand, Credibility And Professionalism

Assuming that you would only ever publish content that is high quality, relevant and accurate, anyone visiting your website for the first time has the perfect means of confirming for themselves that your family lawyer business is one that is professional, knowledgeable, and able to provide sound advice.

All of that is evidenced in the posts you have published in your blog which contain advice, ‘how to’ articles, information, and case studies, for example. A potential client can scan through all of those posts and be impressed by the amount of free information you provide. As such they will be more likely to be reassured enough to take the next step of asking you to represent them.

You Can Promote Your Services

Whilst a family lawyer business is not one many people would associate with promotions and special offers, that does mean that you should not use them. You might not have a ‘50% Off Sale’ like the furniture store down the road, but do not underestimate people’s fondness for getting value for money. That includes when they are employing a family lawyer to represent them.

Obviously, any promotions will depend on which services you offer, but it could be a free first consultation, bundling multiple services together at a reduced fee, or offering special rates for certain groups of people. Whatever the specifics, your blog is the ideal platform to promote those offers, and do not forget the power of some of those posts being shared, which means even more people becoming aware of them.

It Will Boost Your SEO And In Turn Your Rankings On Google

Google is huge fan of great content, and the more of it you have within your website, the greater the chances that they will see yours as a website that it should be ranking higher on its search engine. The key is to ensure anything you publish is not only high-quality content but also that it is optimised for SEO. That includes the title and any headers within the text, for example.

Another important aspect of this is that you need to be posting new content regularly. Too many blogs get started with good intentions, but the novelty wears off  and the posts stop. In that case so will the improved rankings, so even if it is only two or three posts a month, keep publishing them.